“They showed us unusual kindness…”

Homily for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2020

Fr. Don Rooney

Hospitality is where it all begins, isn’t it? Three strangers suddenly come to Abraham and Sarah’s house, at this point very advanced in years. Abraham immediately greets them and makes them feel welcome, and they prepare a meal for the visitors. By this hospitality the fulfillment of the already-promised descendants and lands is made known, as one of the three informs Sarah she will have a child within a year’s time, because nothing is too marvelous for the LORD to do… (Click here for full text)

Registration is open for the 2020 Interreligious Institute

Our 2020 Institute will convene in Washington D.C. at Theological College Tuesday evening, July 7 and run until noon Tuesday, July 14. Our team of teachers and guides is being formed by Dr. John Borelli and will be announced soon. We are meeting over a weekend in order to allow for local visits to a Mosque on Friday, to a synagogue on Saturday and Hindu temple on Sunday.

Everything depends on your joining us! Tell your bishop about this opportunity; they have been mailed electronically about this, but it probably was only a blip on their screen. Please communicate this important invitation to all who are involved in interreligious work: diocesan staff in Catholic Charities and refugee resettlement, counselors, multicultural and justice and peace commissions. Click here for a registration form! Thanks.

Greetings to All:

Now that the Easter celebrations are past we can turn back a bit to the National Workshop on Christian Unity which took place the Third Week of Lent.  

I’m familiar with many of you having served as president of CADEIO from 2010-2016, and was re-elected at the recent NWCU.  I very much look forward to our work together in this next term, establishing/re-establishing relationships and sharing the mission of unity and understanding.

But first, we are introducing flocknote as a mode of CADEIO communications in the hopes of staying in better contact with each other.  You have received an invitation to join by email.

Please respond, set up your password and you will enter the dialogue.
Flocknote is also grouped according to region, so you will be able to contact directly all those who are in your region, especially your region rep to CADEIO.

Don Rooney