Church Documents and Other Resources Major Church Documents Vatican Council II: The Decree on Ecumenism (Unitatis redintegratio) 1964 Vatican Council II: Declaration on the Relation of the Church with Non-Christian Religions (Nostra aetate) 1965 WCC: Baptism, Eucharist, and Ministry (1984) PCID: Dialogue and Proclamation: Reflection and Orientations on Interreligious Dialogue and the Proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (1990) PCPCU: Directory for the Application of Principles and Norms on Ecumenism (1993) Pope Saint John Paul II: That All may be One (Ut unum sint) (1995) LWF and PCPCU: The Joint Declaration on the Document of Justification (1999) LWF and PCPCU: From Conflict to Communion: Lutheran-Catholic Common Commemoration of the Reformation in 2017 (2013) WCC: The Church – Towards a Common Vision (2013) Other Papers Cardinal Walter Kasper: Present Situation and Future of the Ecumenical Movement (2001) Cardinal Walter Kasper: Lasting Significance of Unitatis Redintegratio (2004) Brother Jeffrey Gros, FSC: Catholic Priestly Formation for the Unity of Christians (2011) Archbishop Rowan Williams: Address to the Synod of Bishops (2012) Fr. John Crossin, OSFS: Ecumenical Relationships and Dialogue Today: Insights from the Salesian Tradition (2012) Fr. Don Rooney: Unitatis redintegratio: benchmark or high-water mark? (2012) Brother Jeffrey Gros, FSC: A Hermeneutic of History for an Ecumenical Future (2013) Dr. John Borelli: The Recent History of the Ecumenical Movement (2013) Msgr. John Radano: Mutual Accountability: Building Together on the Achievements of the Ecumenical Movement (2013) Dr. Cecil M. Robeck, Jr.: What Does Pentecost Mean for You? (2013) Dr. Cecil M. Robeck, Jr.: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity homily “What Does the Lord Require of You?” (2013)